Friday, January 25, 2008

So here is my review of the Fluid No-Spill Sippy Cup

When the mail came with my Fluid No-Spill Sippy Cup I stuck it in the dishwasher right away so ms. picky could try it at dinner!! She is usually more willing to try a cup when she has some cheerios in front of her and she can see that I have some "real" food for her too! At first she looked at it wondering what it was, so I held it up to her mouth so she could figure it out. She reached for it and seemed pleased that it was easy to grip, however she kept trying to turn it sideways. I kept having to turn it the proper way for her. After several tries she figured out which way it went and had a few sips. She seemed to like gnawing on the spout more than actually drinking the juice inside. We tried it again with breakfast and she was quick to pick it up and have a nice gulp of juice! She got excited and was banging it on the highchair tray so hard that some splashed back out and into her face....which she found very, very funny!!!! My two recommendations to make the Fluid cup and little better (in my opinion) would be a slightly softer spout, and a lid so I could toss the cup into the diaper bag (both to keep it clean! and to keep it from leaking!)

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